Chronic daily headaches
(too old to reply)
Teri Robert
2003-09-02 15:34:42 UTC

Sorry I didn't see this sooner. This group isn't very active, so I don't
check it very often. The best suggestion I can offer is for your wife to see
a true headache and Migraine specialist, not just someone who claims to be
one. There's a directory of specialists on my web site. We're very picky
about who's listed there. I won't list anyone until I've had good first-hand
feedback about them. Check: http://headaches.about.com/cs/headacheclinics/

Wishing you and your wife well,
Teri Robert, Ph.D.
* Journalist/Patient Advocate
* MAGNUM Support Advisor
My wife has suffered from a nonstop headache for over three years now, she
has gotten so bad that her employer placed he on disability last Christmas
and she has not worked since (it is now July 16th). She has massive
headaches 24/7 (I am not exaggerating, I have seen her HA free 3 days in
past 6 months) She also gets migraine HA on top of the chronic HA several
times a week, usually daily. Imitrex or Frouva (forgive the spelling)
will deal with the migraines, those we could live with, but the day in day
out every waking hour headache is destroying, no, killin' my wife. Has
no mercy left?
Her local Dr. said it comes with being female, learn to live with it.....
said QUACK - and took her to see her old
Doc that did a lumbar repair on her back years ago. He referred us to a
Regional Medical Center/University an hours
drive north to the Neurology Clinic. They tried injections of Steroids
under her scalp to no avail, and meds and more meds and meds to counter
side affects of meds.
I sit and watch her take a dozen or more, up to 15 pills just to knock
herself out to go to sleep. I don't want to watch her go through this,
feel so %^$#% Helpless. One Doc went so far as to prescribe three
different narcotics with instructions to mix and match any two of the
based on her 'feelings' as to what would work. Then when none did any
and she called for an appointment to ask for something different, the
had the nerve to cut her off and say that she was not getting any more
narcotics - She still had pills left, she does not want to be stoned, she
wants the HA to stop.
I honestly get the feeling that the medical profession does not believe
women have the head aches that they do, men wait till they are near death
before admitting they need to see a doc. where women go at the first sign
something is going on in an attempt to 'nip it in bud' I have heard may
Docs make jokes about women complainers....
We have tried Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Neurologist, a Psychiatrist, a GP
and OB-GYN: have had so many x-rays she should glow in the dark, MRIs
CTscans, blood work, and on and on. Now her GP says all these meds are
causing havoc with her liver.
Also, has anyone heard of the 'new' DeLarenzo Syndrome diagnosis for
headaches? Any web sites or references about the diagnosis, treatment,
or success?
Share what you know, learn what you don't.
Don Self, CSS, BFMA
2003-12-31 05:09:57 UTC
Bill, I don't know if this will help your wife or not, but I've been working
with one major breakthrough in migraines for almost 2 years now, but there
are still alot of doctors that are not familiar with it
yet. For the past year and 10 months, I've been teaching physicians how to
utilize a disease management program that was first designed for IBS
(frequent diarrhea)
sufferers (and they discovered many of these same patients experienced
immediate cessation or reduction in their migraines), so studies have been
conducted on migraine sufferers that did not have IBS, with extremely
promising results. No - I can't say that the program WILL get rid of your
migraines, but I can say that I've worked with more than 100 physicians in
five different states that report to me that more than 75% of their patients
with chronic weekly migraines (if you don't have them at least weekly, the
chance that this program will help decreases substantially) experience
either a marked reduction or complete cessation of migraines within 9 days.

So far, almost every private insurance carrier (with the exception of United
Health Care) is paying for it, while Medicare and Medicaid still do not.

As a consultant that has been working with physicians for more than 16
years, and published monthly to more than 100,000 physicians in quite a few
magazines on different issues, I know that many physicians will not endorse
or use the program until the AMA publishes studies on it in the Journal of
American Medical Association and that takes time and money to get there. In
the meantime, it's my job to introduce this to physicians and I have a staff
of independent representatives calling on physicians daily in different
cities in the nation doing so.

The concept behind the program is quite simple. Everyone is different and
everyone's blood reacts differently to different "triggers" (as the folks on
this list call them). Physicians call them mediators, such as histamines,
luekocytes, seratonin, etc... Physicians already know that some foods are
triggers for some people - but not all. For instance, chocolate or
strawberries may be a trigger for some people, but not others. Is it really
the chocolate or is it something perhaps in the chocolate such as caffeine
or sugar or something else? You can guess, but just taking out the entire
Hershey bar is the safest way - even though it may not actually be the cocoa
bean that activates the mediator in your blood to cause the headache. The
program I'm talking about is called MRT. I've personally taught more than
75 physicians in more than 60 physician offices on how to use the MRT or
LEAP disease management program. I've interviewed patients and advised
physicians on which patients to try the LEAP on and which ones not to test.
I've watched the progression of the patients who were compliant with the
program and the naysayers who chose to take the test and not be compliant.
I've seen my wife's best friend who lost work and alot of her life to
migraines go without a migraine for the past 16 months. I've also seen
patients who got rid of their migraines for a few months, ate something they
shouldn't have, had a migraine and go back on the program. Not everyone
will qualify for the program either. Some people will act as if they know
everything (As a consultant teaching 40 semianrs a year, I've seen alot of
doctors like this too) and will tell me they have had food allergy testing,
so this could not help.

I do not promote food allergy testing. You can usually diagnose yourself
if food allergies are the problem. I deal with food sensitivities and food
intollerance. There is a huge difference. Food allergies show up in IgE
testing (such as skin tests). Food sensitivities and intollerance may not
(such as IgA, IgN, IgG and others). Food allergies may show up in 1 to 4
hours in symptoms. Sensitivies and Intollerance may take as long as 72
hours. How do you know when something you ate 72 hours ago could be causing
you problems now, compared to what you ate 8 hours ago? It's a guessing
game without the right kind of patented test.

Anyway - some of the folks on here will go to my website at www.donself.com
and look at LEAP on the menu. Some will see that I work with alot of
doctors around the country and I'll be the first to tell a doctor to NOT do
LEAP on some patients. Some will figure this is a cure-all ad (which it
isn't - because only 60% to 75% of daily or weekly migraines are caused by
these mediators per doctors I've worked with) and won't check it out today
and will continue to take drugs to block symptoms rather than remove what is
causing the migraine. A year from now, some of them will be talking to a
friend or a doctor who listens to a colleague tell them about LEAP and then
they'll try it and wonder why they waited a year. I'm not foolish enough
to think I can help everyone - so those of you who want to try it - check
out my site. If you think I'm saying this just for personal gain - forget
my site. Go to the lab's site and contact them directly and get the test.
I don't make money from you visiting my site. I get paid by my clients
(doctors) for teaching them as a consultant and the lab pays me when my
clients test their own patients so there is no personal gain for me to tell
you this, other than the immense satisfaction I have in seeing patients get
better. I like that feeling much more than the feeling I get from making
doctors more money.

Anyway - the lab's site is http://www.nowleap.com

Good luck folks and I'll stick around and ask questions on this thread if
you wish me to.

Don Self
East Texas

Don Self, CSS, BFMA
305 Senter Ave Whitehouse, TX 75791
website: http://www.donself.com
Don Self, CSS, BFMA
305 Senter Ave Whitehouse, TX 75791
website: http://www.donself.com
Ph. 903 839-7045 fax 903 839-7069
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Foundation. Daffy Duck, The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders & Charleton
My wife has suffered from a nonstop headache for over three years now, she
has gotten so bad that her employer placed he on disability last Christmas
and she has not worked since (it is now July 16th). She has massive
headaches 24/7 (I am not exaggerating, I have seen her HA free 3 days in
past 6 months) She also gets migraine HA on top of the chronic HA several
times a week, usually daily. Imitrex or Frouva (forgive the spelling)
will deal with the migraines, those we could live with, but the day in day
out every waking hour headache is destroying, no, killin' my wife. Has
no mercy left?
Her local Dr. said it comes with being female, learn to live with it.....
said QUACK - and took her to see her old
Doc that did a lumbar repair on her back years ago. He referred us to a
Regional Medical Center/University an hours
drive north to the Neurology Clinic. They tried injections of Steroids
under her scalp to no avail, and meds and more meds and meds to counter
side affects of meds.
I sit and watch her take a dozen or more, up to 15 pills just to knock
herself out to go to sleep. I don't want to watch her go through this,
feel so %^$#% Helpless. One Doc went so far as to prescribe three
different narcotics with instructions to mix and match any two of the
based on her 'feelings' as to what would work. Then when none did any
and she called for an appointment to ask for something different, the
had the nerve to cut her off and say that she was not getting any more
narcotics - She still had pills left, she does not want to be stoned, she
wants the HA to stop.
I honestly get the feeling that the medical profession does not believe
women have the head aches that they do, men wait till they are near death
before admitting they need to see a doc. where women go at the first sign
something is going on in an attempt to 'nip it in bud' I have heard may
Docs make jokes about women complainers....
We have tried Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Neurologist, a Psychiatrist, a GP
and OB-GYN: have had so many x-rays she should glow in the dark, MRIs
CTscans, blood work, and on and on. Now her GP says all these meds are
causing havoc with her liver.
Also, has anyone heard of the 'new' DeLarenzo Syndrome diagnosis for
headaches? Any web sites or references about the diagnosis, treatment,
or success?
Share what you know, learn what you don't.